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  1. Claudia Albrecht
    15th October 2024 @ 12:13

    Ian. I have read Isabella MacIver Thomson’s account with great interest — it is incredibly well-written and captivating. We’d love to make her story accessible to a wider audience and discuss our plans with you. Could we exchange email addresses to talk further? Looking forward to hearing from you.


    • Ian Thomson
      15th October 2024 @ 19:27


      I would love the story to have a wider audience. My father, Donald Thomson, was born in Tong in 1910 and would have grown up with this story as a child as James Thomson was his great uncle. I would point out that Isabella MacIver wrote the story in her own words and it was published in the Stornoway Gazette in 1927. All I have done is to republish Isabella’s story and add an introduction and add illustrations. You might also be interested to read about an interesting allegatation that James Thomson had fathered a child with a native Chipewyan woman. I wrote an article about this entitled “James Thomson and his native wife”.

      I will email you.



  2. Peter & Julia Jeffery
    20th February 2023 @ 21:25

    Ian. This is a truly remarkable account of a very courageous woman who obviously loved her husband true. The notes made and the photos you have added make this a compulsive and really interesting read. I visited and lectured in Winnipeg ( I think in May) and it was well below freezing. It is good thing she journeyed in September! I can not imagine how she and husband survived winters 2000 miles NW of Winnipeg…. Must be good Lewis Thomson blood! Thank you for sharing this with us.


    • Ian Thomson
      21st February 2023 @ 09:35

      Thanks, Peter. Well, I hope you enjoy Part 2 as well. It is all about the native wife he had in Fort Chip, which is probably why Isabella was so keen to go out to Canada.



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